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Floral Paper made from scraps


Floral Paper from Scraps


  • paper scraps, old mail, egg cartons

  • Dried flower scraps or flower seeds

  • A blender

  • Water

  • A large container

  • Paper making frame


  1. Tear your paper into strips or squares and place inside a jar or bowl

  2. Fill the jar/bowl with water and let soak overnight. This step makes the paper easier to blend.

  3. The following day, put your paper and water into a blender and mix until the paper is a pulp consistency.

  4. In a large container empty your pulp mixture and stir. You may need to add water depending on the consistency of your pulp. You want it to be watery enough to stir but thick enough to not be transparent.

  5. Add dried flowers & seeds. Stir and combine until flowers are distributed throughout the mixture.

  6. Submerge a paper making frame and fill with mixture to fill the frame

  7. On a laid out dish towel open the frame and place the frame with the paper side down. Use your hand (& a dish towel if your sheets are very wet) to press all four corners of the frame down.

  8. Slowly lift the frame off the dish towel revealing your paper sheets.

  9. Let paper dry for 48 hours or until completely dried.

  10. Once dried, slowly peel the paper off the dish towel.

  11. Your paper is ready to use! 🌸💗



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