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What is Cleansing? How to cleanse your space, How to cleanse your aura, when to cleanse, and all smoke cleansing herbs, flowers, and tree correspondence.

What is Smoke Cleansing?

Smoke Cleansing is a practise that it has been used in spiritual and religious ceremonies around the world and across virtually all cultures. The first recorded use was with incense used by Egyptians in 2500 BC, but it was also in China at the same time. Religious use of incense is prominent in Buddhist, Taoist, and Shinto shrines. These practices see the burning of incense as a way of purifying surroundings and bringing forth the Gods. Christian belief holds that three wise men brought frankincense and myrrh as gifts to the baby Jesus, recognizing it was one of the most valuable things they could give. In Christian practices and ceremonies, the rising smoke is seen as a conduit to send prayers directly to God.

Whether it be Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, indigenous peoples, or Paganism, we find the use of incense and smoke. It is seen as a way to clear and clean spaces and energies, make offerings, and carry our intentions and prayers out to the divinity in all its forms.

“Smudging” is a traditional indigenous ritual. I am not indigenous. As I am not initiated into this practise, and I am not indigenous I refer to the practise as “smoke cleansing” and I have been smoke cleansing for over a decade. Now using herbs and flowers grown in my own garden and greenhouse.

The greatest concern with modern smoke cleansing practises is the source of the cleansers and herbs. Large retailers exploit indigenous communities and steal their crops to sell to the masses. This is why it is so important to use homegrown or ethically sourced herbs.

Smoke cleansing combined with meditation and spiritual practises changed my life and charged my healing journey.

Smoke Cleansing Your Space:

Smoke Cleansing your space, (especially your sacred space) on a regular basis is very important to clear stagnant energy and to invite room for growth, inspiration and healing.

Cleansing Incantation:

“Into this smoke, I release all energies that no longer serve me ,

all negativity that surrounds me, and all fears that limit me.”

Step One: Open a window (do not skip this step, negative energies need an exit!!!)

Step Two: Light your cleanser, you may need to hold the flame against the bundle until it really ignites. Keep a dish, or abalone shell underneath to catch ashes and burning embers that may fall.

Step Three: Walk clockwise allowing the burning smoke to reach every corner of your space. If you are cleansing yourself, moving the stick clockwise circle it around your self, moving slowly up and down and around your entire body.

Step Four: Once you have finished cleansing, gently stamp out the stick into a bowl or dish, or you can spray rose water onto the stick to be sure nothing is still burning.

Cleanse Your Aura with Sacred Smoke:

  1. Light smoke cleanser, blow it our so its smoking

  2. Pass the smoke down in front of you from head to toe

  3. Pass the smoke down back of you from head to toe

  4. Pass the smoke down the right side and then the left side (including the underarms!) from head to toe

  5. Pass it under your fee

  6. Snub out the cleanser

When to Smoke Cleanse:

Negative energy clings to objects and spaces, this is why it is especially important to smoke cleanse:

  • After a traumatic event

  • After a break up with a friend or lover

  • When you feel unlucky, ill, or have a bad day

  • During life changes

  • Before and during meditation

  • During the new moon

  • When cleaning your space

  • Bringing home thrift finds

  • After an argument

  • Moving into a new home

  • To cleanse spiritual tools and crystals

  • After a nightmare

  • When you have anxiety

  • When grieving a loss

  • When someone in your home has been ill

  • When guests leave your home

  • To refresh the vibe



Basil: attracts love, happiness, peace, money, steadies the mind

Bay: relieves anxiety, increases mindfulness, intuition, power, money, divination, success, money

Cinnamon: raises spiritual vibration, aids healing, love

Cloves: for protection, and exorcism

Dandelion: divination, spirit calling & granting wishes

Dill: for protection, luck, money & lust

Eucalyptus: raises the vibration of a space, wards off evil and repels enemies, can help a weak person cast off evil, or final break with personal weaknesses such as a drug, alcohol or bad habits. provides healing and protection, naturally repels household pests fleas, and insects.

Lemongrass: purifying, removes obstacles, opening doors

Mint: heals, purifies, raises vibration of a space

Mugwort: brings clarity, deepens psychic abilities

Oregano: fosters happiness, growth, tranquility, deflects negative energy

Rosemary: creates a fresh start, starting new journeys, opens new doors, removes negative energies

Rue: cleansing, protective, can clear out the most persistent negative energies

Sage: cleansing, balancing, clears negative energies from objects, spaces, or people

Star Anise: clairvoyance, protection, clarity

Sweetgrass: purifies places, objects, encourages positive energies, dispels old and negative

Tarragon: promotes confidence, aids in personal growth, courage

Thyme: used to recall the past without pain, purifies, protects

Vervain: purifies a space, inspires artistry and creativity, heals sadness and distress

White Sage: clears negative energy from objects, spaces or people

Wormwood: protection, love, divination, banishing

Yerba Santa: relieves grief, heartbreak, promotes self-love, honours ancestors, encourages healing


Blue Spruce: pure intentions, generosity

Cedar: banishes fear, purifies, protects, attracts good energies

Pine: cleansing, strengthening, renewal

Palo Santo: emotional cleanse, stimulates creativity, eliminates negative energy, purifies space

Juniper: manifestation, purifying cleanser, protects against evil, restores and resets energy, creates a safe space from anxiety and worry, blessings, purification, guards against “bad magic”


Aster: (self) love, contentment

Calendula: for love, and constancy

Catnip: attracts good energies and luck, euphoric, *not for pregnant women*

Carnation: healing, strength, protection

Chamomile: protection, purification, meditation, wards against negative energies, excellent for pregnant smudges

Dahlia: strength, positivity, kindness

Daisy: happiness, abundance, resilience

Geranium: for protection, strength, good health

Hibiscus: love, clairvoyance

Lavender: clears the mind, heals, brings peace, restful sleep

Lilac: for protection & exorcism

Marigold: inner visions, guides deceased loved ones into your home

Orchid: femininity, love

Rose: (self) love, (self) awareness, protection


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